
Albergo Rosa


Great food

Tasteful wine

Great ambiance

Fresh and tasty

Shrimp with avocado salad


Praesent tempor orcisedw libero in condimentum dictum auguevel the urnavarius tincidunt aliquam an eleifend in erocurabitur a purus antews vtaligula. Nulla pellentesque posuere tincidunt the faucibus posuere a orcusce vehicula rutrum semper. Nullaw eratlis tincidunt sed aliquam an eleifend in curabitur purantews an vtaligula pellentesque congue arcuvelit imperdie.

Try our special

Pan-Grilled Salmon


Praesent tempor orcisedw libero in condimentum dictum auguevel the urnavarius tincidunt aliquam an eleifend in erocurabitur a purus antews vtaligula. Nulla pellentesque posuere tincidunt the faucibus posuere a orcusce vehicula rutrum semper. Nullaw eratlis tincidunt sed aliquam an eleifend in curabitur purantews an vtaligula pellentesque congue arcuvelit imperdie.

Albergo Rosa, Via Roma, 47

25049 - Iseo (BS) ITALY

Tel : +39


E-mail: info@albergorosaiseo.com